Support for
Learners & Families

Our Counsellors

Connection is Key

As we are immersed in another new ‘normal’ of changing restrictions, we recognise that everyone will have different experiences and emotions during this time. For some it may be a time of family bonding, spiritual enlightenment or simply catching up on their favourite Netflix shows. For others however this might be a time of loneliness, stress or relational strain with the feeling we are going backwards. There might even be times where you experience all of the above in a single day! Whatever your experience might be, we get to be real about it. Speak to a friend, a teacher, a loved one. There will be shared experiences and individual events during this time that we need to process through interaction with those around us. This time of being back in Phase 2 does not have to be a social break from the world too. Please do not isolate yourself mentally and emotionally. Reach out to those around you, you just might find that they need a talk, a walk, a laugh or a virtual hug as much as you do.

Check out these sites for inspiration:

Counselling Team

Our counsellors, Ms Dawn and Ms Zanthe, are available to provide support for learners and their families, especially during this challenging time. Ms Dawn joined the team in 2020. She holds a Master of Social Science in Professional Counselling, is a social-emotional coach and has studied and worked internationally in Japan, France, US and Hong Kong.

Dawn has a special interest in child and adolescent issues and believes the Upper Primary and Lower Secondary years are crucial phases where significant developmental tasks such as building identity, establishing social competence and emotional resilience are achieved. Dawn is passionate about helping these 'young adults' be the best versions of themselves.

If you would like to make an online appointment with either of our counsellors, you can do so by using the links below:

Ms Zanthe via her confidential booking link

Ms Dawn: 中文普通话心理辅导服务。

Our Learning Support Integrators

Hi Everyone.

We are two of the Learning Support Integrators at Nexus. We recently read a quote from a neuroscientist in New Zealand who said; ‘Our country is in a crisis, and we are all stressed and tired. Stressed adults can not teach stressed children. It is a neuro-biological impossibility. Try focusing on connections and feelings of safety’ (Nathan Wallis). When we get through all of this and it becomes a distant memory, your children will remember how they felt during this time, more than what they learnt.

Please do get in touch if you are finding it stressful or difficult to support your child to navigate the world of off-campus learning. Knowing where to start, organising time, planning and prioritising, understanding tasks, etc can be difficult for some children. Let us help you manage the stress while you make connections with your child and enjoy the time together as much as possible.

We are also happy to speak via phone or ‘face-to-face’ through Google Meet/Hangouts. All and any questions or concerns are welcome.

If you have a child in Nursery to Year 4, please contact

If you have a child in Years 5 or 6, please contact